5 Important Tips for Car Travel with Your New Puppy

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I think most of us can agree that puppies are some of the cutest creatures ever! These new-to-the-world babies also require much attention and care to keep them safe and healthy. I think most of us also really have a desire to integrate our new family member into our lives as much as possible and that includes travel. I highly recommend taking your new puppy on short car rides to see how well they travel, but once you’ve figured out the short trips, here are some tips that may help make your longer car rides go more smoothly.

  1. Plan your trip. Do your research on pet-friendly accommodations, if needed. There are pet-friendly hotels, vacation rentals, and campsites that allow dogs. Look also for places that offer pet amenities and are near pet-friendly attractions. Schedule a vet visit to ensure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations and obtain any paperwork you may need for traveling. Microchip your pet and keep the contact information updated. This will greatly increase your chances of being reunited with your pup in case your pet gets lost.
  2. Pack wisely. Make sure to have the essential supplies (making lists always helps). Food, water, bowls, medications, leash, collar with ID tags, waste bags, grooming supplies, and a comfortable travel carrier or crate. Bring along your pet’s favorite toy’s, blankets and bedding to provide familiarity and a good first aid kit with bandages, anti-septic wipes, and tweezers are always a good thing to have. Our young puppy would get car sick when traveling so we made sure to pack extra bedding, wipes, and a garbage bag for soiled bedding so that we could clean up and keep driving if needed.
  3. Ensure safety and comfort for your pet while traveling. Make sure your pup is securely in a crate or carrier or attached to a harness with a seatbelt to prevent injury and distractions. Consider the comfort of your pup. Plan for frequent breaks during the drive to allow your puppy to stretch their legs, use the bathroom, and get some fresh air. Offer plenty of water and avoid feeding large meals before travel.
  4. Respect pet policies along the way. Always adhere to the rules at hotels, parks, restaurants, and other public spaces. Keep your pup leashed where required and clean up after them to maintain a positive relationship with these pet-friendly establishments. Be considerate of others. Not everyone may be as enamored with your cute puppy as you are, so be mindful of other’s space. Keep your pup by your side and in control at all times.
  5. Have fun and embrace this adventure together! Explore pet-friendly attractions, such as parks, beaches, hiking trails, and outdoor cafes where you can include your pet in on the fun. Always be prepared to leave the area if your puppy is not comfortable or is becoming hard to handle. This can be a sign that your pup is over-stimulated, tired, or just not wanting to be in that atmosphere any longer. Just like people, they may need a break from all the activity. Capture memories with photos and videos of your pup enjoying these new experiences as these will be cherished for years to come.

Car trips with your puppy can be such a rewarding experience for you and your pup. By planning ahead, you can ensure that you have an enjoyable adventure and strengthen your bond, making your relationship even more fulfilling. Safe travels!